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Batman, Comics and Boudoir

Who says you can’t have a fun boudoir session? or a cosplay boudoir session? or maybe a superhero boudoir session! As a boudoir photographer in Fort Lauderdale, I get a lot of fun requests for boudoir sessions. What props to bring to a boudoir session? How many outfits do I bring to my boudoir session? All kinda of stuff. And it’s always so much fun!

When you are planning a boudoir shoot, don’t forget to have a little fun! Ms. V chose some casual outfits, fun colors and a few props that really helped tell her story. While she was exploring different sides all the different parts of her personality, she was also absolutely celebrating herself and her husband. She brought the cutest Batman socks that had these little black capes on them! Plus a comic book. and then I just happened to have a super sexy book she borrowed. Did you notice the blue hair?!?

Wanna play?

There’s no one way to do a boudoir shoot and there’s nothing I love more than variety and surprises! Don’t be shy and reach out to me here. Let’s plan your adventure next! Surprise me!

BoudoirGraciela Valdes