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Boudoir at 70!

When you’re a rockstar, you’re a rockstar!

I always say that the older you get, the less fucks you give and let me tell you, Ms. L was just about DONE with everyone’s opinions. Fully living her authentic life, she held nothing back. We created portraits that explored the multi-faceted wonderment that is a fully expressed human being.

When folks come to me and say, “I’ve always wanted to do this” or “I’ve been thinking about this for years,” I just know it’s going to be a stellar photoshoot. When you arrive with ideas and leave room for magic, magic always shows up.

I could tell you a million stories about Ms. L - about her life, career, children, relationships, musical tastes, and so much more. If I told you her story, you’d see just how much you have in common. Instead, I’ll just cut to the chase. Yes, she’s just like you. Yes, she’s had experience similar to yours and yes, you are on the same life path, regardless of all the turns and twists in your respective lives. Yes, she’s amazing - just as you are amazing. YES, she deserves this experience, this empowerment and these memories. We all do.

Oh, and if you are wondering whether Ms. L minds me sharing her age, here are her very own words.

I hope this inspires you to live your life out loud. Of course, if you want your own session, check out details and contact me. Enough waiting already.

MUA: Scharon Isse, West Palm Beach, Florida