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Social Media Branding

We always hear about strife between Boomers and Millennials, don’t we? We hear about Boomers resenting the Millennials spending their lazy Sundays at brunch feasting on avocados and Millennials don’t understand why Boomers are such work-a-holics. How can two such diverse generations communicate and, in the realm of business, market to each other? If only there was a way to bridge that gap!

Enter Janet Granger, Strategic Marketing Queen! She literally wrote the book on Closing the Generational & Digital Divide: Empowering Millennials, Boomers, and Gen X’ers in the Workplace. She’s got her finger on the pulse of the digital age and brings her wealth of experience to her successful clients.

Janet wanted to create a whole new Personal Brand for herself to keep with the times and our shoot took place in a super hip and cool co-working spot in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The colors really brought out Janet’s youthfulness and plays perfectly with her brand.

What’s great is that we were able to create a lot of variety in one location - a total must for branding images like these! By mixing expertise (through her conservative wardrobe) with youthfulness and vitality (through this amazing environment) we achieved a perfect blend of authoritativeness, confidence and approachability! A winning combination, no doubt!